Hand-Held Prom Bouquet

Hand-Held Prom Bouquet
from $85.00
Let us know the Color of the Dress and anything else that may stand out like Shoe Color, Jewelry or Make-up. We will design a beautiful bouquet to complement the dress and bring out any colors that make the flowers “pop.”
Please Note in “Special Instructions” Box (in Cart) the Color of the Dress.
All Bouquets are Custom Made to the Color of the Dress. Bouquets Pictured are just for Size comparison. Pricing is based on Size of Bouquet and Premium Flowers used.
Standard Prom Bouquet (first photo): $85
Deluxe Prom Bouquet (second photo): $95
Premium Prom Bouquet (third and fourth): $110
Spectacular Prom Bouquet (last photo): $125
All Bouquets are made to Order by Color of the Dress. Bouquets Pictured are just for Size comparison. Pricing is based on Size of Bouquet and Premium Flowers used.